To find out more about our National Forests, contact any of these organizations:
ALLIANCE FOR THE WILD ROCKIES PO Box 8731, Missoula, MT 59807 email: awr@wildrockiesalliance.org www.wildrockiesalliance.org |
SAVE AMERICA’S FORESTS 4 Library Court SE, Washington, DC 20003 email: info@saveamericasforests.org www.saveamericasforests.org |
NATIVE FOREST COUNCIL PO Box 2190, Eugene, Oregon 97402 email: info@forestcouncil.org www.forestcouncil.org |
U.S. FOREST SERVICE 14th Street and Independence SW, Washington DC 20250 (202) 205-1760 www.fs.fed.us |
OREGON NATURAL RESOURCES COUNCIL 5825 North Greeley Avenue, Portland, OR 97217-4145 email: info@onrc.org www.onrc.org |
WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE 10 G Street NE, Suite 800, Washington DC 20002 email: lauralee@wri.org www.wri.org |
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) 2001 S Street, Suite 570, Washington, DC 20009 email: info@peer.org www.peer.org |
WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE 1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20036 email: info@worldwatch.org www.worldwatch.org |
To let your elected officials or representatives know what you think, call or write to: | |
Honorable (Senator's Name) United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-3121 FOR A LIST OF SENATORS' EMAIL ADDRESSES: www.senate.gov Honorable (Representative's Name) United States House of Representatives Washington D.C. 20515 (202) 224-3121 |
FOR A LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES' EMAIL ADDRESSES: www.house.gov/writerep The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20500 (202) 456-6213 Or contact the White House website: www.whitehouse.gov Email the President: president@whitehouse.gov Email the VP: vice.president@whitehouse.gov |
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