The well publicized disappearance of rainforests throughout the world has created much grief and concern, but what of the fate of our forests here at home?
In 1905 the National Forest system was created to protect the remainder of the great woodland ecosystems that once covered America. Yet each year, more and more of these public forests have been sacrificed in the name of commerce. In 1992 Al Gore stated, "The management of our National Forests is a national disgrace." How can this be happening on lands that were set aside for all of us?
Wilderness: The Last Stand, a one-hour documentary filmed in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, looks at the mandate and performance of the U.S. Forest Service. Through interviews with Forest Service employees, loggers, environmentalists, scientists and politicians, we discover the ever-widening impact of current policy on the human and wildlife communities that depend upon the National Forests for survival. The dilemma of finding the balance between preserving jobs and protecting the environment is discussed by all, yet solutions are long in coming. While the debate continues today, the forests' ongoing destruction is being subsidized by the American taxpayer at the rate of three hundred million dollars each year.

Wilderness: The Last Stand has been broadcast nationwide on the Outdoor Life Network, Free Speech TV and on numerous local PBS stations.