To find out more about our National Forests, contact any of these organizations:
AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST 1200 18th St. NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 331-7300 fax (202) 659-8339 This national conservation organization brings farmland loss and damaging farming practices to the attention of policy makers. |
PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK OF NORTH AMERICA (PANNA) 49 Powell Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 981-1775 fax (415) 981-1991 This wonderful organization co-ordinates local grass-roots activists and is a central clearinghouse for information about chemical use all over the world. They offer free on-line news, updates, and resource listings. |
CHEFS COLLABORATIVE 2000 Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust 25 First Street Cambridge, MA 02141 (617) 621-3000 fax (617) 621-1230 Work with chefs in your region to support local farmers, help at farmer's markets, or get involved with policy decisions at a national level. |
PESTICIDE EDUCATION CENTER P.O. Box 225279 San Francisco, CA 94142 (415) 665-4722 This education center, under the leadership of Dr. Marion Moses, campaigns tirelessly on behalf of farm workers and children affected by agricultural poisons. Based in California, PEC is an outspoken advocate for the health of migrant communities. |
CSAS OF NORTH AMERICA Robyn Van En Center c/o Wilson College Fulton Center for Sustainable Living 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 You’ll find a National Directory to CSAs at this site. This is a networking and technical assistance organization for existing or aspiring CSAs. You can buy "shares" in an organic farm which entitle you to a portion of that farm's bounty, and gives the farmer welcome financial support. It's a great way to shift your relationship to the food-producing community. |
RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION P.O. Box 5036 Annapolis, MD 21403 fax (410) 263-8944 A free on-line newsletter about environmental issues, it is well-researched, level-headed, very contemporary, and sometimes so enlightening it makes you want to lay your head down and cry. The information is literally years ahead of the mainstream media. We can't say enough good things about this resource. Please contribute generously to their work! |
ENVIRONMENTAL WORKING GROUP 1718 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20009 phone (202) 667-6982 fax (202) 232-2592 These dedicated people kick butt in the service of the citizens of the USA. This is a terrific resource for facts and figures about the effects of industry on the environment. Their published reports are well-grounded in science. |
SEEDS OF CHANGE P.O. Box 151700 Santa Fe, NM 87506 catalog request (888) 762-7333 (505) 438-8080 fax (505) 438-7052 Seeds of Change grows and sells 100% certified organic seeds. They sell on-line, and will also send you a beautiful catalog of their seeds, which include many heirloom varieties which they have saved from virtual extinction. The catalog also contains recipes and thoughtful essays. |
FARM AID P.O. Box 228 Champaign, IL 61824 phone (800) FARM-AID or (617) 354-2922 fax (617) 354-6992 FarmAid has raised millions of dollars to help family farmers stay on the land. "The fight to save family farms isn't just about farmers. It's about making sure that there is a safe and healthy food supply for all of us. It's about jobs, from Main Street to Wall Street. It's about a better America." - Willie Nelson, President, Farm Aid. Join your local branch and support family farmers. |
WORLD WILDLIFE FUND 1250 24th Street NW Washington, DC 20037 (800) 225-5993 This huge, world-wide organizations is currently waging a campaign against Persistent Organic Pollutants (or POPs), such as DDT. Though banned in the U.S. for decades, they are still sold by U.S. corporations to other countries. POPs do not break down in the environment and continue to contaminate our water, our air, our earth, and the milk of our mothers. |
LAND STEWARDSHIP PROJECT 2200 4th Street White Bear Lake, MN 55110 phone (651) 653-0618 or (651) 653-0589 This group promotes alternatives to corporate-style farming, campaigns for watershed protection and a host of other projects. |

You can make a difference! Shop at local farmers' markets whenever possible, encourage your supermarket to carry organic produce, read labels and just say no to chemicals in your food, homes, and yards.
To let your elected officials or representatives know what you think, call or write to: | |
Honorable (Senator's Name) United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-3121 FOR A LIST OF SENATORS' EMAIL ADDRESSES: Honorable (Representative's Name) United States House of Representatives Washington D.C. 20515 (202) 224-3121 |
FOR A LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES' EMAIL ADDRESSES: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20500 (202) 456-6213 Or contact the White House website: Email the President: Email the VP: |
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